Insights Discovery is a simple and accessible four colour model that helps us to understand ourselves and others.
Every person has all four colour energies within them; it is the combination of these energies which creates each unique personality.
Self-awareness is the foundation of excellent teamwork, improved communication, enhanced productivity and truly inspirational leadership.
Insights Discovery model is a powerful
platform from which a team can build essential skills, such as: Collaboration Communication
Connecting to deliver results. Valuing differences
Leveraging collective strengths.
The Insights Discovery methodology allows individuals to view their personal preferences in relation to those of others, making it easy to identify where they may come into conflict, and where they share common ground.
The With the powerful understanding of their own color preferences, the Insights model gives a strong foundation to your sales teams to look beyond the product or service and to see the buyer and better adapt to HOW they like to receive information and make decisions.
Insights® Discovery vs. Myers Briggs
Insights® Discovery vs. DISC
If you have a new hire that arrived just after your last company session and would like to quickly have them introduced to Insights, we offer bi-monthly “open”, 2-hour sessions where we will introduce the Insights Discovery and provide each individual with their profile and an explanation of what their profile tells them. This allows you to quickly include all new team members in your Insights culture and vernacular as they
enter the organization.